Best First Book Award


The Best First Book Award is an award announced by the Slovene Writers’ Association and given annually by the Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling to the best first book published in the previous year. It was launched in 1983 and is presented at the Slovene Book Fair.

The recent winners of the Best First Book Award are: Jakob J. Kenda for Apalaška pot: 3500 hribov in Amerike in 2019; Eva Markun for Menažerija in 2018; Anna Schnabl for Razvezani in 2017; Metka Lampret for Kam bi dala takle dan in 2016; Dino Bauk for Konec/Znova in 2015; Zoran Knežević for Dvoživke umirajo dvakrat in 2014; Jasmin B. Frelih for Na/pol in 2013; Muanis Sinanović for Štafeta okoli mestne smreke in 2012; and Katja Perat for Najboljši so padli in 2011.

An updated list of winners

See also

External links

... more about "Best First Book Award"
Nagrada za najboljši literarni prvenec +
Nagrada za najboljši literarni prvenec +
SI-1504 Ljubljana +
Dimičeva 13 +
The Best First Book Award is an award announced by the Slovene Writers’ Association and given annually by the Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling to the best first book published in the previous year. +
The Best First Book Award is an award announced by the Slovene Writers’ Association and given annually by the Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling to the best first book published in the previous year. +
+386 / 1 589 8337 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1504 +
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